
Living Lands Receives Gift of High Hope

High Hope Ranch Returned to Gift

Living Lands Trust is deeply grateful and honored to carry on the responsibility of stewarding High Hope!

Krystyna Jurzykowski has spent the better part of a lifetime carrying for, and living into, the land and place known as High Hope Ranch, located where the Cross Timbers highlands meet the Lampasas plains in southwestern Somervell Co

unty, Texas.  It is a place of extraordinary beauty, life, and numinosity.  Though hers by deed, Krystyna never felt as though she owned this remarkable place.  Over the past several years she searched for a means by which to carry forward this ethos so that others could participate in a reciprocal relationship of nourishing and being nourished through stewardship of land and place.  Last summer, her search culminated in the transfer of the land and place to Living Lands Trust.  The spirit and intention of this gift of good land was recorded in a collaboratively crafted Covenant of Promise, designed to guide and inspire all future stewards.

While this transfer and the promise it holds is a culmination, it is also a beginning and an opportunity that calls for the support, generosity, and commitment of many.  We invite you to learn more by exploring our High Hope StoryMap, or better yet, by exploring the Ranch itself, Stay at High Hope.