
High Hope Ranch

Stewards & Places

High Hope Ranch

Location: Glen Rose, TX

Area Protected: 900 Acres

Location of High Hope Ranch in Glen Rose TX

High Hope Ranch consists of 900 acres situated in Cross Timbers region of north Texas, where the Chalk Mountain hills meet the open prairie to the west. This land was inhabited and stewarded by the Comanche, Wichita and Jumanos and other First Peoples for thousands of years prior to European colonization and settlement.


The Place

High Hope is defined by an inherent quality of sanctuary of-and-for nature, which serves to enliven an older worldview that resides in each of us. This worldview is one of connection and participation with the whole of nature–both physical and spiritual. Four distinct houses on the property offer the opportunity for people to visit and find sanctuary at the ranch, not as a means of escaping from the world but rather engaging with it more authentically. The hospitality and retreat enterprise—which includes an innovative Community Supporting Nature (CSN) membership program—works synergistically with a budding Biodynamic farm and ranch that produces beef, eggs, cut flowers and value-added herbal products such as tea, balm and oils. In whole, the ranch offers an experience that bonds people and place; awakens the senses to natural cycles and rhythms; and cultivates relationships between land, people, animals and plants.

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The Stewards


Brandi Graves

Entrepreneur, Land Steward


Robert Young

Entrepreneur, Land Steward

Support Our Work

Help us establish a biodynamic ranching operation at High Hope to provide nutritious meat to the community, restore native grasses, and improve the natural water cycle.