
John Bloom


Our Team


John Bloom

Vice President

RSF Social Finance Appointee

In addition to his role with Living Lands Trust, John recently retired as Vice President of Organizational Culture at RSF Social Finance. John has worked with over 100 non-profit organizations over his many years at RSF in the areas of capacity building and culture change. He has led numerous workshops and has lectured and written about aspects of money and governance for non-profits. John has founded two non-profits, served as a trustee on several others and worked as the administrator at an independent school before joining RSF. He has written extensively on many aspects of charitable organizations, associative economics, life as an active member of a 29-year-old biodynamic CSA, and on the topics of money and philanthropy.  He has written two books, The Genius of Money, and Inhabiting Interdependence, and is currently working on his next book of essays. and lives in San Francisco.  John lives in San Francisco.

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