Redwoods and Restoration Stewardship

Filigreen: An Expanding and Holistic Landscape We are honored and awed by the generosity, patience, and good fortune that conspired to allow Living Lands Trust to complete the purchase of over 300 acres of redwood forest (see Filigreen Forest Storymap).  At the end of January, the Trust completed its second installment payment successfully!  This land…

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Visionary Development or Simple Land Grab?

Solano County Land Dealings What is unfolding in Solano County, California promises to be an epic story of land, culture, and power; and so it begins—“Silicon Valley elites revealed as buyers of $800 million of land to build utopian city,” as The Guardian headline tantalizes. It seems a secretive business entity has been purchasing land…

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From Yggdrasil to Living Lands

Bringing the Mythical to Life Yggdrasil Land Foundation is now Living Lands Trust! This name change marks an important inflection point in the organization’s evolution over the last twenty-two years.  The clarity and simplicity of Living Lands Trust stays true to the founding vision while providing a more accessible moniker as we work to broaden…

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Standing Up for Land Together

Helping to Keep Organic Farmland Intact After over two years of persistent advocacy and legal action between 2018 and ’20, we are grateful to reflect back on our successful efforts to protect Grassway Organics Farm from being bisected and marred by the Lakeshore Lateral Pipeline.   Living Lands places are not only held in trust for…

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