LANDWELL: Centering Cultural Innovation and Community Resilience

Living Lands Trust and Landwell Bound by Mutual Intent and Shared Values Nestled along Jonive Creek, between Sebastopol Center and the Bodega Hills of Sonoma County California, is a 22-acre parcel that is home to a rare grove of old-growth oak trees, fertile farmland soils, a cornucopia of wild flora and fauna, and caring community…

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Reciprocal Protection & Restoration in the Anderson Valley

The Dream of Filigreen Forest We are humbled to be part of a rare opportunity to protect and restore 300+ acres of coastal redwood forest in the Anderson Valley of Mendocino Co. Over the past six months, Living Lands Trust has been working closely with the landowner of the 317 acres of forest that abuts…

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Hundreds of Thousands of Footsteps

Revealing Impact Through Story Those of us in nonprofit land conservation often wrestle with how best to capture and share the impact of our work.  Numbers are interesting, yet they often seem to be little more than a pale symbol of the true meaning of land and place conservation.  Recently, I received a short story…

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Restoring Native Plants and Pollinators

High Hope Ranch Joins Pollinator Study High Hope Ranch was recently selected to become the latest study site for the Texas Pollinator Restoration Project!  The Texas Pollinator Restoration Project is an ongoing, long-term study of the effects of land management on plants and pollinators in Central and North-Central Texas. Managed as a multi-institution collaboration between…

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BDA Fostering a Land Conservation

Thanks to our friends and partners at the Biodynamic Demeter Alliance for helping to elevate the land access and tenure conversation among their members and the Biodynamic farming community.   Check out Living Lands’ guest post on the BDA blog @ … Living Lands Trust Poised To Amplify Its Efforts For Greater Reach And Impact –…

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From Yggdrasil to Living Lands

Bringing the Mythical to Life Yggdrasil Land Foundation is now Living Lands Trust! This name change marks an important inflection point in the organization’s evolution over the last twenty-two years.  The clarity and simplicity of Living Lands Trust stays true to the founding vision while providing a more accessible moniker as we work to broaden…

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Living Lands Receives Gift of High Hope

High Hope Ranch Returned to Gift Living Lands Trust is deeply grateful and honored to carry on the responsibility of stewarding High Hope! Krystyna Jurzykowski has spent the better part of a lifetime carrying for, and living into, the land and place known as High Hope Ranch, located where the Cross Timbers highlands meet the Lampasas…

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